Pottery is not limited to pots for humans. Although, as any other porter, I also started with mugs and simple bowls, then soon drifted toward experimenting with ceramics for whatever purpose come to my mind. Why not to develop something for animals.
Apparently, this year spring comes early. Currently we are in the middle of February but the tits can be heard already, especially around dawns. My wife asked me to prepare bird’s houses sufficiently early this year. Not like in the past when they appeared late and useless. That was my first time when I made it from clay. I believe that the design can be much better in terms of esthetics and functionality. Next time I will try different shape. Here I used red Sibelko K126 clay. The color comes very natural. I still plan to spray it with wood ash and use field earthware clay for glaze. This first model is quite heavy. I hope it will not break and fall down on somebodies head. Would be paitful if not harmful!
Here is the second attempt . Made from C245 and glazed with high temperature Wojtaszek’s yellow and spring green plus light blue on the top. Now we wait for the birds to accomodate these little houses. You can see a tiny whole below the entry – it waits for a stick to work as a the standing post.
Nuka is a traditional Japanese/Korean glaze based on wood and husk ashes. In our house Nuka is our beloved dog. Brought from countryside. No specific breed. Very fast and energetic. She deserves having her own eating bowl. Here is the first one which was fully made on the mechanical kick wheel last summer.
Dog’s bowl shall be a bit different that GP bowls (following Simon Leach nomenclature). It is heavier and with bigger bevel around. Dogs have tendency to push the bowl when eating, which easily may lead to scratches and breaks. My second dog’s bowl, although made with electric wheel is even more sturdy and harsh. Nuka is delighted.
It is also a great time to prepare pots for flowers. Here are just two examples.