This is my fist attempt to use decals. I rather prefer rustic style in pottery and very utilitarian. I try to keep distance from any mass production products, Even the traditional pottery pieces (whether from porcelain or white clay) ornamented with very effective decals make me the feeling of low quality. Which is wrong! I know, some well known companies in England as well as in Poland (Cmielow for example) mastered the process of highest quality porcelain production with beautiful golden or colorful decals. All that is laid manually and fired at temperatures far higher than what we can achieve in home kilns. My surprise was that different cones are needed for gold and other colors. That means that the 3rd firing has to again split into cone019 and cone 017, so ineffective loads. However the end effect pays off. I very pleased to present the below pictures. Don’t be mislead, this is just one black set shot with different razors (still wonder which shall form the actual set). All decal come from Sanbao,clay is self wedged from various remainings, glaze comes from Wojtaszek (black, pigeon and wrzos plus some wood ash).
Butterfly on wood-ash

Entomologic shaving set in GOLD