Europeans often get fascinated by Japanese culture, tradition and spiritual approach to almost everything. My fascinations went by after getting deeper and deeper in one of the martial arts discipline, knowing the people and the underlining believes.

Now, it comes back in context of craftship – in ceramics and smith works. Ferrytales about Anagama firing and sword’s making are longs stories each, worth separate post if not portals.

For the moment take a look a the following two specific razors. Both designed Ryūichi Saitō. Read more on him and the 3 “smiling” models designed by him. At first glamps, those who are in the subject of traditional wet shaving, can see how deep is the “smile”. It may make sense. For experimentation with it, please wait a bit until they are renovated. I plan to record a sessions of honing it and using them.

Here is what came to me recently from Japan. No 1 and No 3, only 2 is missiong to the collection. Not bad conditions, nevertheless they deserve some refreshment if not renovation.

And here is an attempt to match other elements of the shaving gear set to the No 3. The bell and the brush handle made with porcelain mixed in the body with Ochra terracolor pigment, fired at 1250°C.